Saturday, August 25, 2007

All new Orkut

What a great topic For My 666Th post .The all new Orkut is finally here. Orkut has been talking about it in their blog. They had been even carrying a pic below the Profile menu box to tell users about the change.

Help page has been already changed for everybody

But now it has been Finally launched. Some users have informed me about this change. Their Orkut has gone white. With-in a Weeks all of us will go white, i mean Orkut will go white. Although i like the white colour I hate the icons. They claim it look a little more sleek and modern to me it seems to be the worst possible icons that could ever exist. What has happened to Google.

Why did it turn white? Coz this is the only only Google service that's in blue. There are others that are black or blue but they have been acquired by Google and not developed by it. Some empty parts of is still blue.
First of all there is a bar at the top and at the bottom. The top bar contains the orkut logo ans 4 links "Home" "Scrapbook" "Community" "Friends". The "Messages " and "what's new" have been removed. At the Other corner you have "Log out" and a search box.
At the bottom Bar You have "About Us" "What's new" "Help" among others. On the either ends you have logo's Orkut logo at left and Google logo at right.
The "messages" is below the Feed's button.
We bring to you some screenshots.For larger image click on the pics.
This is how your Profile is visible to the world.

Now let's look at the scrapbook. There are some minor changes over here.The buttons are at the bottom of the scrap box and not next to it.

Noe let's look at the Friends page. There there are some Major changes. All the boxes like Invite/ Friend level/Download contact are on the right and not left. Only Profile Menu is on the left.

Finally let's look at the Karmas i.e Cool Sexy Fan. They are completely changed.


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