Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Custom URL

Orkut lacking was a Custom URL for your profile page. Finding your friend's profile on Orkut is difficult, then typing it in the address bar is far worse

A Custom URL is a small and easy to remember web URL by which one can access a profile page in a site. Basically one cannot remember the long URL provided by Orkut for your profile, so instead its easy to create a custom url which re-directs to the URL provided by Orkut.

To create Custom URL a Login to Google Page Creator with Your Google accounts username and password & create a new site for free

Now choose an address which is going to be the URL of your Orkut profile, so enter the profile name you want for your url basically it should be like this

Say for example you want to use “orkut tips'n'tricks” (no spaces) as your profile url .Then you should enter “orkut tips'n'tricks” in place of myname in the box provided for choosing an address .

Select any layout and a starting look .It has nothing to do with your url. Making sure you have entered the desired URL & it is available then click the Create Site Button. Now you have successfully created a site, click the NO TITLE link in the page name column to make it open.

You are taken to edit the page where Google pages allows you to add title and other things none of which is necessary .Just Go to EDIT HTML link at bottom right corner of the page.

Type the following javascript code anywhere in the blank page.

{{{script}}}} window.location = “your link here”;{{{/script}}}

Replace " {{{ " by " < " & " }}} " by " > " . All 3 "{{{" Have to be placed. Replace your link here with your orkut profile url which will basically look like this

You can find your profile url by login into Orkut and clicking the Profile link in your homepage, then copy the profile link which appears in the address bar.

After making changes in the javascript code click the Save Changes button
Now click Publish button to publish your webpage.

You are ready to launch your custom url. It will look something like this

This will re-direct you/friends to the Orkut profile.


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