Friday, March 23, 2007


Joga .com is Orkut younger bro. It has all the features that orkut has +many more. It is a complete football community.

This Site has complete synchronisation with orkut.All your orkut communites are visible on Joga.Even your Orkut friend are visible on joga Only thing being they will have to sign in for with their Orkut account.This has a seperate "Scrapbook" & doesnt mingle with orkut one .

Most of us desperately want orkut to include "Blog". This feature is there in Joga .com. Although it is called "JOURNAL". IT is more like the scrapbook but who cares. The main point is it has one.

Here is a snapshot of how it looks

What if you are watching some one's photo album & would like to save it has just the right thing. In addition to list it has a section called Favorites, where you can add Photos to Favorites. Like list it is also visible on your homepage.
Update:- You can now even add Videos.


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