Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Google phone G1

Google launches the much awaited Google phone and it's called G1. Google phone is pitched gainst Iphone , blackberry.. This was earlier known as "Android Phone" . lets have a deep look at it.This is a touch screen full qwerty smart phone.

This was launched this Tuesday. Like the iphone This will be available for T-mobile customers. though initially it will be available on lin US. Soon it will launched for T-mobile customers all over the world. In US you iwll get it as early as  October 22(launch date) and in the U.K. in early November and throughout Europe in the first quarter of 2009. There is no info for other part of the world. 

Thsi phone is built by HTC and supports the Google's open Android Linux Os. HTC is Taiwan based company that has some great products like HTC touch (the original so called iphone killer) This being a Linux and a open source os fewer virus. .

How much it costs?  JUST $179.
Thats 20$ less than iphone. Other that that you have to pay a contract fee like the iphone

This phone Supports all the latest technology 3G, EDGE and Wi-Fi and is built in with all the Google applications i will soon present a full specs of the phone till then it's all it.

This may not be as revolutionary as Iphone buts it sure has more features than Iphone


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