It Official now Google was teaching Orkut. There was a lot of news that GOOGLE vetrans were working on revamping a range of Google products including Orkut.
Orkut has learnt a new trick. Orkut can now read Feeds. I mean Google has added feeds reader in Orkut. No i don't mean you can subscribe to orkut 's feed but you can view feeds of other site. This could be called as integration of "GOOGLE READER" &"ORKUT".
For those who don't know what feeds are , they just inform you about the latest changes in the site .If youwant to view any older pages you need to visit the site. If the owner makes ay changes to a page/post or adds a new page/post then feeds will show those pages/pots only. Just see the feed of this site as example
Although you need to know the URL of the feed still it is a great Feature. Most sites don't give feed URL but option for you to subscribe feeds.
How to add feeds in Orkut it's simple
1) Visit your profile.
2) Click on "Edit Feeds". In the box shown in the pic.
Although you need to know the URL of the feed still it is a great Feature. Most sites don't give feed URL but option for you to subscribe feeds.
How to add feeds in Orkut it's simple
1) Visit your profile.
2) Click on "Edit Feeds". In the box shown in the pic.
3) Now enter the feed Url.
4) On entering the Url you have to passing through the word verification.
If the entered Url is correct then a confirmation message will be displayed else it inform you that Url entered is wrong.

Once you have successfully entered the Url an link/button will appear in the profile/ home page.
So now you can read through 100's of sites @ orkut.
So now you can read through 100's of sites @ orkut.
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